Courses Offered
Graduate Teaching
EE5163: Semiconductor Properties and Devices I
EE5657: Principles of Thin Film Technology
EE5181: Introducation to Nanotechnology
EE5940: Materials and Devices at the Nano and Microsale
EE8940: Advanced Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering - Mateirals and Circuits for Future Nonvolatile Memory
NPSE8001: Introduction to Nanoparticle Science and Engineering
Undergraduate Teaching
EE2001: Introduction to Circutis and Electronics
EE2002: Circuits Laboratory
CSE1001/CS1002: Freshman Seminar, inlcuding tour in Germany/Belgium
EE2001: Introduction to Circuits and Electronics
EE3161: Semiconductor Devices
EE4951W: Senior Design Coordinator
EE4951W: Senior Design Advisor